Top 5 D.Pharmacy Colleges in Chandigarh
Top 5 D.Pharmacy Colleges in Chandigarh – There has been a tremendous development in the field of health and medicine in recent years; Unfortunately, the relationship between this development and the availability of skilled labour is inversely proportional to each other. The main reason is that, while every possible effort has been made to update the technology, the aspect of having an infrastructure where technician training can be provided has been reduced. totally ignored. The situation, therefore, is that we have advanced technology and an outdated workforce. The only solution to this problem is to provide courses of this type that can train a person in the field of paramedical technology. Here are the Top 5 D.Pharmacy Colleges in Chandigarh 1st out of Top 5 D.Pharmacy Colleges in Chandigarh Om Sai Para Medical College Om Sai Para Medical College was established in 2004 and is dedicated to promoting and developing medical education for deserving students, who cannot be ad...